~The German Shepherd Dog~
"If any breed of dog is most deserving of the title Noble with Natural Beauty then that dog is the German Shepherd. They are a dog with elegant yet flowing lines, glamorous to behold, with a shining coat, erect ears, and an intelligent expression that will command attention wherever they are seen. Their eyes indicate the love and affection they have for those who care for them and their sweeping tail will show their mood whether it be happy or sad. By nature a German Shepherd is wary of strangers, though once one is accepted by them they are a friend for life. They are efficient obedience worker, quick to learn and what is learned will never be forgotten. It is an active breed and thrives on work—little is beyond its capabilities. Fleet of foot, powerful yet graceful and nimble, they are the epitome of those qualities considered to be ideal within a dog. They love human companionship and will respond to his owner’s mood whether this be lying quietly by his side or romping across the fields; indeed, at all times, their one desire is to be with you and to please you. They have a keen sense of humor and enjoys playful games yet, in defense of those he/she loves, can become a frightening adversary that one would be well advised to keep clear of. They can fit into a flat or a mansion as the need may be, for they are happy wherever you are happy. In bringing a German Shepherd into your home, you are making an addition to your family and they will quickly feel a part of it. Your house, your garden, your possessions and in fact all that you own will from then on be in their special care. They need your love, but he/she needs also correct attention to their grooming, exercise, food, and general welfare. Given these, your German Shepherd will devote their very life to you and you will be the richer for this and for the companionship and love you both will share."
-Unknown Author-